Archbishop says Keep Away from the Bible

Or more precisely, he said “Christ Says Keep Away from the Bible”.

How exactly he knows this, we are not told, but he seems pretty certain.

Archbishop Jonathan Blake is the presiding Archbishop of the Open Episcopal Church, a “radical fluid open connecting space for everyone in search of meaning, justice, love, truth and life”, whatever that means.

He is no stranger to controversy: in 2017 he was found guilty of sending abusive messages.

He was a Church of England vicar up until 1994, when he left.

After writing a book called “For God’s Sake Don’t Go To Church”, he formed the Open Episcopal Church, presumably having decided not to follow his own advice.

In his latest foray into the far reaches of the clerical lunatic fringe he has posted this video. We can only speculate as to whether this is an attempt to be reassimilated back into the Church of England.

7 thoughts on “Archbishop says Keep Away from the Bible

  1. In one sense he is totally correct considering that many so-called bishops and clergy worship the “gpd of political expediency” and ignore the WORD. The Anglican communion as well as some other denominations claiming to be Christian need a thorough weeding to weed out those who are no longer believers.

  2. Since the utter depravities of Little St. James Island have not stayed in Little St. James Island but found a ready Handmaid in The Episcopal Church USA and their Activist Ambassadors in The Anglican Church in Canada, this Priest co-called, but clearly not Called of GOD, is merely reiterating the oldest lie of Eden, “Yea, hath GOD said?” . + Genesis 3. Amen.

  3. He seemingly purports to speak the words of God or Christ himself in the first-person. Does he think that he is God? How can we test his words if they are not self-evidently true?

  4. My French-Huguenot Ancestor Rt Rev Edward Allen Juhan was the Bishop Of The Florida Diocese for the Episcopal Church in the 1920s a bit different from today. I was Anglican 1982-2020 St John’s (Shaughnessy) Anglican evolved into > St John’s Vancouver as a result of the 2002 ‘Split/Walkout at Synod over Blessing Same-Sex Unions’ but once Anglicans didn’t remarry divorcees would just go over to the United Church I grew up in. 1st Woman Minister Rev Gruchy United Church, 1st Anglican Woman Minister Hong Kong around 2000 or so. You see, ‘Time-Will-Tell’. Anglicans have Woman Ministers now & remarry divorcees too.

    The Bible was ‘Written After’ but reading & studying is good. One can get fed up with it too is good to have moderation as well.

    The Bible reading is a choice to make.

    I chose “Yes” read the Bible around 40 times or so!

    Attended the Roman Catholic Church in 2020 & became one this year 2024.

    There’s a difference & yet is not between Catholic & Reformed.

    Daily increase in the ‘New Life Being Born Again in the New Life in Jesus Christ Of Nazareth is perpetual!’

    God the Father Yahweh Creator of Heaven & earth lift up to you

    Archbishop Jonathan Blake

    Thy Will Be Done

    In the Name Of

    Jesus Christ Of Nazareth


  5. Joining the Roman Catholic Church has become an option for more Anglicans after Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali was received into it on September 29, 2021.

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