Apparently, the Church of England has a lot of explaining to do

From here:

The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has said the Church of England has a “lot of explaining” to do after the General Synod rejected legislation introducing the first women bishops.

Moreover, in a rare moment of clarity, Rowan thinks that society should be setting the priorities of the church:

“Worse than that, it seems as if we are wilfully blind to some of the trends and priorities of that wider society. We have some explaining to do, we have as a result of yesterday undoubtedly lost a measure of credibility in our society.”

The prime minister, David Cameron, agrees: the church should “get with the programme.” What programme? The secular programme, of course:

“I’m very clear the time is right for women bishops, it was right many years ago. They need to get on with it, as it were, and get with the programme. But you do have to respect the individual institutions and the way they work while giving them a sharp prod.”

So there you have it: what the Church of England does is to be determined, not by God, but by the society in which it finds itself.

Specifically, the Church of England should have women bishops because Britain’s equality laws say so. After the Biblical arguments, what better reason for not allowing women bishops.

3 thoughts on “Apparently, the Church of England has a lot of explaining to do

  1. What a wonderful microcosm of what’s wrong with the western portions of the Anglican Communion: credibility with society trumps credibility with God.

  2. Dr.Rowan Williams and similar thinkers, will have a “lot of explaining” to do when they stand before God.
    Like Moses’s brother Aaron, they will probably blame society, and claim that “it is not my fault they made me do it”.

    They believe the best way for the church to survive is not to be like salt but to be more like sugar. Pleasing to everyones tastes but deadly to the body that consumes it.

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