Anglicans for Life, Canada

Anglicans for Life now has a branch in Canada:

No matter where you are in the world – the sacredness of life is a consistent Biblical imperative. Anglicans for Life, headquartered outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania exists to help the global Anglican Communion uphold the sanctity of life from the moment of conception to natural death.

We are honoured to host this special CANADA WEBPAGE dedicated to serving our Canadian brothers and sisters who partner in the Gospel of Life, seeking to protect, honour and celebrate every life at every stage.

ANiC Bishop Charlie Masters invites clergy to become a part of Anglicans for Life Canada:

Over the past two years I have shared in many different situations what the Lord has been bringing to my attention, particularly from Luke 1:17, about the centrality and the importance of children in the purposes of God. While meditating on this fact, I have come to think about the unborn and the need to care for and protect them. My lack of concern or involvement for the unborn in the past grieves me, especially as we consider that 4 million unborn souls have died since abortion was legalized in Canada. Did you know abortion can occur anytime during a pregnancy in Canada and, incredibly, each year approximately 120,000 babies never have a birthdate?

There has, as yet, been no comment from any Anglican Church of Canada bishop.

There will be a contingent from Anglicans for Life at March for Life in Ottawa, May 8, 2014.

6 thoughts on “Anglicans for Life, Canada

  1. Out on the west coast, the parish of St Peter, Comox has also been working with Georgette Forney and AFL to present their “Embrace the Journey, Living Life God’s Way” program considering later life issues (modified for BC law). We’re excited at the conversations this has been cultivating.

  2. It would be wonderful to get a big turnout for the March but if you are not able to make it please lift it up in prayer as the event happens.

  3. I hope there are also a number of supporters who are members of the Anglican Church of Canada. They should invite some bishops like David Parsons and Darren McCartney to be their supporters.

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