Anglican Primates “journeying together in honest conversation"

The Anglican Primates’ meeting, apart from producing copious travel related  quantities of carbon dioxide – a gas readily found in nature, at least – also resulted in wind of a less wholesome kind.

From here:

“By God’s grace we strive to express … unity in diversity which is the Spirit’s work among the churches of the communion and the community of primates,” the document says. “In our common life together we are passionately committed to journeying together in honest conversation.”

A phrase like that, apart from setting the teeth of every right-thinking person on edge, is a sure sign that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. And they are: the Primates representing the majority of Anglicans didn’t show up so, obviously, they won’t be journeying together in any sort of conversation.

The Primates deliberately avoided talking about the issue that is dividing their church, preferring, instead, to concentrating on trying to decide what a church is, on mouthing the expected platitudes, pontificating on anthropogenic global warming even though it may not exist and deploring the murder of Ugandan gay rights activist David Kato as violence against members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community even though it may not be.

The obvious thing they didn’t talk about was winning souls for Christ; but why would they? – they are Anglican Primates and, as such, far too sophisticated to fall for that kind of fundamentalist hooey.

5 thoughts on “Anglican Primates “journeying together in honest conversation"

  1. So it seems that these Primates are looking for even more talk. And why not? Talk has been the most effective weapon of the revisionists. Just keep talking until everyone agrees with you.
    Thank God that the Faithful Primates have heard enough of the bile and decided to not listen to it any more.
    So what tactic comes next? “unity in diversity”. Which basically means “please stay with us while we continue to spew out poison which most of you have told us unnacceptable”.

  2. The primate’s meeting is just employing a hybrid form of Systematic Desensitization to insure that the level of dissonance within the group is diminished.

  3. “In our common life together we are passionately committed to journeying together in honest conversation.”
    Really? When are they going to start this since there has been no evidence of it before now.
    As far as the murder of the man in Uganda – aren’t police looking for his gay partner as the main suspect?

  4. Honest conversation is code for empty drapple. And so on, and so on, and so on it goes. Some real honesty would be appreciated. ++Rowan, sh*t or get off the pot. (Sincerest apologies if I offended your sensibilities with such language, it is merely borne out of frsutration).

    • Something else that should be said to the ABC is:
      “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.”
      I have to wonder, those who are in positions of leadership that can do something but have not, are these people secretly in favour of the revisionist agenda? (People like Fred Hiltz and Rowan Williams)

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