Anglican Church of Canada’s Sexuality Discernment Statement now available in French

Just what we’ve all been waiting for:

Sexuality discernment statement released in French.
General Synod’s statement on sexuality discernment is now available in French. At the General Synod 2010 meeting, members met several times in small groups to discuss human sexuality. This statement is a report from these conversations and acknowledges the differing viewpoints on human sexuality within the church as well as members’ desire to stay in conversation.

This translation will mainly be of interest to Anglicans in the Diocese of Quebec – well, and Montreal, although Montreal is largely bilingual. The average age of a Diocese of Quebec Anglican is 75 and, as you can imagine, they’ve all been champing at the bit to talk about gay sex: now they can really get down to what interests them before shuffling off this mortal coil:

The Diocese of Quebec is all but dead, its bishop told the Canadian House of Bishop at their fall meeting in Niagara Falls, the Anglican Journal of Canada reports.

The Rt. Rev. Dennis Drainville said his diocese was “teetering on the verge of extinction” according to an account given by the church’s official newspaper.

Of the diocese’s 82 congregations, 50 were childless and 35 congregations had an average age of 75. These graying congregations often had no more than 10 people in church on Sundays, he said. “The critical mass isn’t there, there’s no money anymore,” he said.

4 thoughts on “Anglican Church of Canada’s Sexuality Discernment Statement now available in French

  1. And yet in the advertisement in the Anglican Journal for a new Dean at the Cathedral in Montreal they proudly declare themselves as a parish that is progressive in its ethos. Not prayerful, not spiritual,and God forbid not biblical, but progressive. It’s the enemy within written in large.

  2. “there’s no money anymore” Yet they can pay for a new Dean
    at the Cathedral.
    The Diocese of British Columbia is also in the process of closing churchs. Same complaint ” there’s no money”.
    They can’t appeal to the bibical rule of tithing as they no longer believe in the Bible.

  3. Very sad, but this is what happens when a church ceases to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as it really is, and goes whoring after secular materialist values and culture – in a word, when it attempts to become “relevant” in our society. I call this the “Church Compliant” – in the world and very much of the world.

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