Anglican Church in New Zealand starts down the road to authorising same-sex blessings

The Anglican Church in New Zealand is proposing to develop liturgies for the blessing of same sex couples. The familiar caveat that priests who disagree will not be compelled to perform such blessings is present, although I wonder if the church will defend them if they are sued over the issue.

The Synod document is entitled “A Way Forward”, a strange epithet considering this has cause strife, division and disintegration everywhere it has been tried before, a fairly sure indicator that it is A Way Backward.

The document employs the usual condescending tone to those who think “the blessing of same-gender relationships is contrary to scripture”. Apparently, they “will continue to have integrity within the Church”, as if theirs was the view that needed such reassurance or as if Scripture and 2000 years of Church teaching were not perfectly clear on the issue.

The mincingly patronising synod statement can be found here:

1. This General Synod/Te Hīnota Whānui resolves  to appoint a working group to bring and recommend to the 62nd General Synod/Te Hīnota Whānui:

(a)  A process and structure by which those who believe the blessing of same-gender relationships is contrary  to scripture, doctrine, tikanga or civil law, will not be required to perform any liturgy for the blessing of same-gender relationships, will continue to have integrity within the Church, and will remain compliant with the parliamentary legislation within any relevant jurisdiction;

(b)  A process and structure by which those who believe the blessing of same-gender relationships is consonant with scripture, doctrine, tikanga and civil law may perform a yet to be developed  liturgy for blessing same-gender relationships  in a manner which maintains their integrity within the Church, is compliant with the parliamentary legislation within any relevant jurisdiction, and can remain in communion under scripture, doctrine and law; including

(i)  A proposal for a new liturgy to bless right ordered same-gender relationships;

(ii)  A process and legislation (whether church or parliamentary) by which a new liturgy to bless right ordered same-gender relationships may be adopted;

5 thoughts on “Anglican Church in New Zealand starts down the road to authorising same-sex blessings

  1. I’m sure the establishment will accept this generous burning of incense to Caesar with amused condescension. Of course that patronage will be withdrawn at once if they dare to actually NOT endorse whatever vice the establishment wants.

  2. “right ordered same-gender relationships” what in the world is that ,can anything that God has condemned be “right ordered”.”those who believe the blessing of same-gender relationships is contrary to scripture, doctrine, tikanga or civil law, will not be required to perform any liturgy for the blessing of same-gender relationships, will continue to have integrity within the Church”. It seems to me that that in that tone they are giving the impression that the ones that disagree with SS blessing have the vice and the rest of the church ,in their compassion are going to overlook our shortcomings. Would you remain in partnership with someone who believed in slavery or some other vice ,I don’t think so.

  3. What on earth can “right ordered” mean in this context? It’s almost a text-book example of an oxymoron.

  4. “priests who disagree…”:
    Good. Jesus will not be there either;
    He only does heterosexual weddings as
    the one at Cana of Galilee. + John 2

  5. Sounds to me like they are trying to have it both ways. But as we know, because Jesus told us, you cannot have two master.

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