Anglican bishops, living down to expectations, hijack Holy Week to denounce global warming

From here:

We, a group of Anglican Bishops from dioceses across our global Communion greet our sisters and brothers in Christ throughout the Anglican Communion on this most Holy Day, Good Friday. On this day, when our Saviour poured out his very life for the world, we share the following statement in a spirit of sacrificial and reconciling love.

“The covetous desires of people and nations to possess what is not their own, Father, forgive. The greed which exploits the work of human hands and lays waste the earth, Father, forgive.”

At this time of unprecedented climate crisis, we call all our brothers and sisters in the Anglican Communion to join us in prayer and in pastoral, priestly and prophetic action.

This bit is interesting (my emphasis):

We believe that the problem is spiritual as well as economic, scientific and political, because the roadblock to effective action relates to basic existential issues of how human life is framed and valued: including the competing moral claims of present and future generations, human versus non-human interests, and how the lifestyle of wealthy countries is to be balanced against the basic needs of the developing world.

Setting non-human interests above or equal to human interests is typical of the green movement. Animal life, plant life and the earth itself are valued above mankind. Since the villain is fossil fuels and since fossil fuels are largely responsible for most of the benefits of civilisation enjoyed by those, including the bishops, in developed and developing countries, I am convinced that at its root, this is a death-wish neurosis, a lemming-like suicide impulse, the ultimate sacrifice to a Gaia god. In other words, Western Anglicanism at its worst. 

 Canada was represented at these neo-druid deliberations by Earth Mother Bishop Jane Alexander and Smudging Bishop Mark MacDonald.

12 thoughts on “Anglican bishops, living down to expectations, hijack Holy Week to denounce global warming

  1. Didn’t some guy die or something around Easter time?- maybe when Jihad Jane is done, she could talk about that a bit-

  2. Whoa……………hang on now. I am proud of my Celtic heritage. I am not only a member of the Druid Society, along with of course, the learned Rowan Williams, late of the Church of England…………..but have a solid appreciation of ‘all things bright and beautiful….all creatures great and small’!
    So damn me to hell.
    Oh and did I mention that I am leaving the ACoC?

  3. My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I am your Creator, Lord of the universe;
    I have entrusted this world to you,
    but you have created the means to destroy it.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I made you in my image,
    but you have degraded body and spirit
    and marred the image of your God.
    You have deserted me and turned your backs on me.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I filled the earth with all that you need,
    so that you might serve and care for one another,
    as I have cared for you;
    but you have cared only to serve your own wealth and power.
    Holy God,
    holy and strong, holy and immortal, have mercy upon us.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I made my children of one blood
    to live in families rejoicing in one another;
    but you have embittered the races and divided the nations.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I commanded you to love your neighbour as yourself,
    to love and forgive even your enemies;
    but you have made vengeance your rule and hate your guide.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    In the fullness of time I sent you my Son, that in him you might know me,
    and through him find life and peace;
    but you put him to death on the cross.
    Holy God,
    holy and strong,
    holy and immortal, have mercy upon us.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    Through the living Christ, I called you into my Church to be my servants to the world,
    but you have grasped at privilege and forgotten my will.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I have given you a heavenly gift and a share in the Holy Spirit; I have given you the spiritual energies of the age to come; but you have turned away
    and crucified the Son of God afresh.
    My people, what wrong have I done to you? What good have I not done for you?
    Listen to me.
    I have consecrated you in the truth; I have made you to be one
    in the unity of the Father and the Son,
    by the power of the Spirit;
    but you have divided my Church and shrouded my truth.
    Holy God,
    holy and strong,
    holy and immortal, have mercy upon us.
    Turn again, my people, listen to me.
    Let your bearing to one another arise out of your life in Christ Jesus. He humbled himself
    and in obedience accepted the death of the cross.
    But I have bestowed on him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow
    and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    Turn again, my people, listen to me.
    Father, hear our prayer and forgive us. Unstop our ears,
    that we may receive the gospel of the cross. Lighten our eyes,
    that we may see your glory in the face of your Son. Penetrate our minds,
    that your truth may make us whole.
    Irradiate our hearts with your love,
    that we may love one another for Christ’s sake. Father, forgive us.

  4. Only 17 bishops, most of them from the most wayward Provinces of the Worldwide Anglican Communion and many from the same Provinces, claiming to speak on behalf of all 38 Provinces. Ballsy, and rather arrogant. And its the same enviro-nazi crap that these clowns have been spewing out for decades now. Do they not yet get it that no-one is listening to them anymore?

  5. The message from the Anglican bishops sounds very similar to what ANIC is already doing in some of its churches. Check out this church which is under the leadership of ANIC Bishops Charlie Masters and Stephen Leung…

    Should we apply the same standard and refer to them as Neo-Druids or Enviro-Nazis?

    • I think they are quite different.

      The Anglican bishops believe “climate change” to be the “most urgent moral issue facing humanity”; fossil fuels are corrupting creation.

      The ANiC church believes sin to be the most urgent issue facing humanity; it has corrupted creation – a Biblical view.

      The ANiC church is just planting a garden not deifying it. Never fear, though, I am an egalitarian, so the minute they do I will proclaim their descent to neo-druidism.

      • Not the same at all EdAnglican.
        The Warren family are solid in their faith & Christian witness.
        It is all about gardening & reconnecting with the great outdoors
        in God’s creation.

        Perhaps a good days work in the potato patch might help the Bishops as they generate some CO2 .

    • Ed,
      Would you seriously argue that Bishop Charlie or Bishop Stephen or any priest in ANiC for that matter, would say that the message of Easter is “climate action” ? Or were you just making that comment tongue in cheek? I was especially amused at your choice of “some of its churches” as if there were many from which you could choose. Maybe it would be helpful to you to read Bishop Charlie’s Easter letter which, ironically, was posted on the ANiC website this afternoon.

      • My response was partly tongue in cheek. Yet I do think that some of the posters on this blog criticize ANY kind of reference by ACoC members to care for God’s creation and label it as eco-monsters or whatever the choice of term. The fact of the matter is that God DOES call us to care for his creation. Through his death and resurrection, all of creation was reconciled to God (Col 1:20).

        I respect people like the Warren family and applaud their efforts. I wish more believers would be in this kind of ministry. Yet I wonder if the exact same family were to be attending an ACOC, what would people on this blog thing of them. There certainly is a double standard on this blog and this was the primary purpose of my post.

        • Okay, Ed. I appreciate the tone of this response. I, for one, will try not to overstate my case in my comments in the future.

  6. For what it is worth Anglicanism is pretty much a failed experiment. Hence the breakaway groups who seem to perpetuate the myth that ‘they’ are the definitive expression. Its really a form of arrogance. Unlike our Baptist brethren who seem to multiply by division.
    I think I will retire to Bedlam…………

  7. Bravo! Well said everyone. Sick to death of the Climate Change Religion and its oh so sanctimonious and condescending disciples. Capitalism, entrepreneurs, fossil fuels – the greatest human creation for good in the world. No people have ever lived longer, better, happier, healthier, all because of the product of our own evolved efforts. If we left it to Mother Earth Jihad Jane, we’d all be back tilling soil, burning manure, and maiming each other with arrows. Idiocy. Btw – here’s how evolution works: drowning in horse manure – the car comes along. Wasting too much energy on lighting – the LED comes along (created by business, not government) with 100 times the light for 5% of the energy. Next up: Tesla. So leave it alone Janie et al. Business will take care of the earth – you get back to dealing with souls.

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