And now for a completely different Annunciation

From here:

A billboard put up outside an Auckland church has been labelled “weird” and “inappropriate”.

It shows the Virgin Mary clearly shocked as she looks at a positive pregnancy test – but it’s not the first time the church has courted controversy.

It’s supposed to be the Virgin Mary’s moment of epiphany.

“I think it’s really weird,” one person told 3 News. “I don’t think it’s that appropriate to have outside a church.”

“It’s weird, but not really offensive,” said another.

“Well, I obviously don’t agree with it being weird and creepy,” says Glynn Cardy, vicar at of St Matthew-in-the-City, who came up with the idea for the billboard.

“It’s trying to make people think about Christmas and to then think compassionately and kindly about people in a similar situation.”

When Glynn Cardy tells us it should make us think “kindly about people in a similar situation “, he has a point: there are pregnant virgins popping up all over the place these days.

One thought on “And now for a completely different Annunciation

  1. Here is my thought.

    The Blessed Virgin Mary would have known all too well jsut how difficult her life had just become, espicially in the society of that place and time. Yet she still considered herself blessed and rejoiced.

    How many unmarried (oops forgot the politically correct term “unattached”) pregnant women today also consider themselves blessed and rejoice?

    Every pregnancy, and I mean absolutely every pregnancy, is a gift from God and the resposibilities that come with it should be accepted with grace and humility.

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