According to Michael Moore, Canadians don’t lock their doors at night

Michael Moore is convinced that, because there is so little poverty in Canada, we don’t lock our doors at night:

18% of Americans live in poverty. In Canada, it’s a little over 1%. That’s why Canadians don’t lock their doors,” he wrote

Mike, you really need to talk to Fred Hiltz so you can get your stories straight. Canada is awash with poverty:

The Anglican and Lutheran churches in Canada have asked the federal government to adopt recommendations made by a House of Commons committee to “immediately commit to an action plan to reduce poverty in the country.

I’m off to bed now – after I unlock my front door.

17 thoughts on “According to Michael Moore, Canadians don’t lock their doors at night

  1. Moore is a leftwing activist and propagandist. He obviously has no problem with telling lies in order to make his points, even after it has been pointed out to him that the “information” he is giving is false. Perhaps this is because his adherents are acting like a bunch of brainless fools who gobble up everything he spews out without any question.

    • The teachers at my children’s school line up to be able to show their classes Michael Moore drivel. Even the gym teacher forces these “films” down the kids’ throats. I agree about his adherents being a bunch of brainless fools, but unfortunately they are turning out clones of themselves by forcing this muck on every school-age child they know. I called the school to complain, and was told by the principal it was all allowed in the name of “teacher creativity”. We have to de-bug them when they get home.

  2. Its ok to lie, to further your deception. Where did he learn than from???

    Al-taqiyya. Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

    Qur’an (2:225) – “Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts”

        • Yes. I want no part of the Gospels. That is precisely what I said and what I meant, without the least doubt and allowance made for context. I’m no longer a Christian, obviously, thanks for letting me know.

          • Hello Vincent,
            I am curious as to why you have lost the Faith. Hopefully it is not a result of anything you have read here. Might I recommend to you “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S.Lewis. Perhaps you might see something of yourself in “the patient” that is discussed in these letters.
            Kindest regards,

      • 1 Corinthians 10:32-33.

        In other words, deceitfulness and false-swearing of oaths to gain unfair advantage is exactly the same as non-sinful and sympathetic extension of courtesy … for the other person’s benefit.

  3. I haven’t lost the faith. Indeed it’s stronger than ever. I was being ironic. _You_ guys believe that I’m not a Christian. 😀 Which is fine. So, you know, it’s all good.

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