A selection of ground zero mosque supporters

The first specimen is from the foul-mouthed irrational contingent:

Then we have a bishop from  my favourite denomination:

Episcopal Bishop Supports Building of ‘Ground Zero’ Mosque

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Diocese of New York,

I am writing to tell you that I wholeheartedly join other religious and civic leaders in calling on all parties involved in the dispute over the planned lower Manhattan Islamic community center and mosque to convert a situation that has sadly become ever more divisive into, as Archbishop Timothy Dolan recently stated, “an opportunity for a civil, rational, loving, respectful discussion.”  [just like the loving, respectful discussion you had to depose bishop Bob Duncan?]

The plan to build this center is, without doubt, an emotionally highly-charged issue. But as a nation with tolerance and religious freedom at its very foundation, we must not let our emotions lead us into the error of persecuting or condemning an entire religion for the sins of its most misguided adherents.

The worldwide Islamic community is no more inclined to violence that any other. [overlooking the obvious point that no other religion is presently inspiring violence quite as effectively as Islam]

And the celebrity dimwit:

Def Jam co-founder/Hip-Hop mogul Russell Simmons has thrown in his support for a controversial mosque being built near the site of the 9/11 terror attack in Manhattan in 2001.

Simmons has placed a series of religious symbols on the panes of his Liberty St. penthouse, which spells out the word “Co-Exist.”

Other messages in the windows of Simmons’ home include “It’s the Law” and “USA is Free.”


“If your blaming Muslims for the attack on 9/11 then you need to change your mind,” Simmons said about the controversy surrounding the mosque. Did we blame Christians for the first world trade attack? [no, but that was probably because it was a Muslim who did it] It creates a cycle of negativity.”

There’s nothing like Hip-Hop for dispersing cycles of negativity.

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