A different kind of chance encounter

The headline blares: Women in chance sex encounters can receive the morning-after pill by courier.

Much as it find it revolting, at least I understand the concept of the convenience of having an abortifacient delivered to your door after filling out an online form. What mystifies me is the mechanics of a “chance sex encounter”. How does it work? With absolutely no volition on the part of the participants, does one accidentally bump into a person on the street, fall over and, by chance lose one’s underpants, insert one’s you-know-what into her you-know-what until there are fireworks and an offspring is conceived?

That must be it. I suppose it could happen to anyone.

One thought on “A different kind of chance encounter

  1. The scenario would most probably be that the female involved was the victim of a “drink-spiking” or similar incident, and woke up in the morning with or without the male participant, but either way realised what had happened to her.

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