A child of the earth opens his mind to a web that cannot be broken

For those of you that missed Earth Hour on March 28, do not despair, April 22 is Earth Day and the Diocese of Niagara has a selection of liturgies for you to recite while you sit in the dark trying to read them by candlelight.

Here is a choice morsel for your delectation:

Leader: On this Earth Sabbath, we open our minds to learn about ecological threats to the health of present and future generations and to the whole community of life.

Reader 2: God of love, we confess that at times we would rather stay in denial than see, hear, and understand how our lifestyles affect our world.

People: Forgive us, O God, and inspire us to change.

Reader 1: The prophets Isaiah and Hosea said: The land lies polluted under its inhabitants. The beasts of the field, the birds of the air, even the fish of the sea are dying.

Reader 2: God of mercy, we confess that we are damaging the earth, the home that you have given us. We buy and use products that pollute our air, land, and water, harming wildlife and endangering human health.

People: Forgive us, O God, and inspire us to change.

Reader 1: Chief Seattle said: Whatever we do to the web of life we do to ourselves.

Reader 2: God of justice, we confess that we have not done enough to protect the web of life. We have failed to insist that our government set standards based on precaution. We allow companies to release dangerous toxins that destroy fragile ecosystems and harm human beings, especially those among us who are most vulnerable.

People: Forgive us, O God, and inspire us to change.

All: God of compassion, today we acknowledge our dependence upon you and our interconnectedness with the whole web of life. We open our eyes, ears, and hearts to the pain of the earth, that we may be open to your truth, see your way of hope, and walk with courage in your way.

I don’t know about you, but I had no idea that pollution was such a problem for Isaiah and Hosea; I always thought it was moral pollution that bothered them: live and learn. Fortunately, we Anglicans don’t have to worry too much about moral pollution: since the Anglican Church of Canada is a major supplier, it has granted its members immunity as long as the money keeps rolling in.

It’s such a relief to know that it’s all the government’s fault, though; and polluting companies, of course.

After reciting that I feel so interconnected with the cobweb of life… oops my candle-powered, crystal enhanced, pyramid amplified, pan-galactic Interweb optical string connection just blew out.

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