That was quick

From here:

A Montana man said Wednesday that he was inspired by last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage to apply for a marriage license so that he can legally wed his second wife.

Nathan Collier and his wives Victoria and Christine applied at the Yellowstone County Courthouse in Billings on Tuesday in an attempt to legitimize their polygamous marriage. Montana, like all 50 states, outlaws bigamy — holding multiple marriage licenses — but Collier said he plans to sue if the application is denied.

“It’s about marriage equality,” Collier told The Associated Press Wednesday. “You can’t have this without polygamy.”

TEC and the ACoC don’t haven’t much of a generous pastoral response to offer Nathan, Victoria and Christine because so many North American Anglican clergy have been too busy legitimising their own sexual urges to worry about polygamy – although clerical polygamy may well be on the horizon; as long as it’s gay polygamy.

Polygamous plastic marriage

With impeccable logic, Slate points out that, if marriage is good for same-sex couples, it should be good for a polygamous ménage, too.

As the Slate article notes, when it comes to redefining marriage, we’re not done yet.

I feel slightly sorry for both TEC and the ACoC: they struggle mightily to keep up with the foibles and fashions of the culture in which they are so pleased to be immersed, yet they are still fumbling with the, by now, passé blessing of same sex couples. Where is the generous pastoral response for polygamists, where are the polyamorous clergy proudly coming out to be consecrated as bishops in bullet proof vests, where are the Big Love or Die movies? Very disappointing.

Yes, really. While the Supreme Court and the rest of us are all focused on the human right of marriage equality, let’s not forget that the fight doesn’t end with same-sex marriage. We need to legalize polygamy, too. Legalized polygamy in the United States is the constitutional, feminist, and sex-positive choice. More importantly, it would actually help protect, empower, and strengthen women, children, and families.


The definition of marriage is plastic. Just like heterosexual marriage is no better or worse than homosexual marriage, marriage between two consenting adults is not inherently more or less “correct” than marriage among three (or four, or six) consenting adults. Though polygamists are a minority—a tiny minority, in fact—freedom has no value unless it extends to even the smallest and most marginalized groups among us. So let’s fight for marriage equality until it extends to every same-sex couple in the United States—and then let’s keep fighting. We’re not done yet.

Toronto school board denies promoting polygamy while continuing to promote it

The Toronto District School Board has denied that the poster below, which is to be placed in their schools, promotes polygamy even though it plainly does.

Employing Newspeak as the preferred refuge of last resort of beleaguered bureaucrats, a spokesman from the board said: “…the board does not support polygamy. The images in question were meant to support an individual’s right to choose whom they love, regardless of gender. For example, the reason for depicting two women and one man was meant to show that a person can be attracted to more than one gender.”

Of course the board is promoting polygamy: if people have the right to choose whom they love, i.e. have sex with, and there are three people at it, you have – yes, you’ve guessed it – polygamy if they are “married”, polyamory if they are not.

Perhaps the board would be more comfortable if they were known as the school of polyamory rather than polygamy.

From here:

TORONTO — The Toronto District School Board is denying claims it’s promoting polygamy — just illustrating it exists as a family dynamic — with a poster campaign for gender-based violence prevention.

The school board’s website depicts a series of five posters — one of them has the message “Love has no gender” in big white capital letters. Surrounding the slogan are various hearts containing different stick-figure people. In one of them there is an image of a man with two women; in another, two women with one man.

B.C. Civil Liberties Association: Polygamy ban should be 'relegated to scrap heap'

From here:

VANCOUVER — The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is calling for Canada’s polygamy law that bans multiple marriages to be found unconstitutional and “relegated to the scrap heap of history.”

In written submissions filed Thursday, the association urged B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Robert Bauman to find that the law offends fundamental freedoms.

Quite so: let’s get some inclusion going on here.