10 thoughts on “Contrasting marches

  1. Thanks for the contrasting pictures –
    It would be inspiring to have a March for Life led by bishops and clergy here in Canada. Sign me up.

    Rev Richard White North Bay, ON

  2. Hi Richard+

    There IS a March for Life in Ottawa this spring – May 8. And the day before the march, there will be an Anglicans for Life conference. Bishop Charlie Masters is taking a leading role in both. (Bishop Charlie is in Washington DC today to march with the other ACNA bishops. I believe that’s him in the front row, second from the right – in the top photo, of course.)

    Preliminary information is here: http://www.anglicannetwork.ca/pdf/March_for_Life_flyer_050714.pdf

    Love to have you come!

  3. How ironic … the only woman I can see posing for the camera in the first photo is on her knees, at the feet of the men.

  4. You have to admit that the second picture was chosen to be deliberately provocative. It isn’t the House of Bishops or any official group or representative of the ACoC-just an individual who happens to appear in public with an Anglican label. he is not sanctioned or approved by any anyone and represents only himself.

    • Well, there aren’t that many images from the Toronto Pride Parade that are not provocative.

      This was a part of an Anglican Church of Canada contribution to the march, the person in the foreground is Chris Ambidge who recently received the Order of the Diocese of Toronto and the person behind him is a member of the clergy. It looks like an ACoC approved presence to me.

  5. Describing exacting what is in a picture is all I did.

    P.S. Lately I came to your blog to read your comments on Harper’s trip to the Holy Land and there is nothing … What gives?

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