The exceptional hypocrisy of Primate Fred Hiltz

In his Presidential Address at General Synod, Fred Hiltz exhibited exceptional hypocrisy when he said this about the oversight provided by bishops in the Global South and Africa to North American Anglicans unwilling to acquiesce to the maniacally deviant attitudes of their Provinces on homosexuality:

I maintain and have publicly declared my belief that those interventions have created more havoc in the Church, resulting in schism, than any honest and transparent theological dialogue on issues of sexuality through due synodical process in dioceses and in the General Synod.

What he left out was the fact that the “interventions” were precipitated not by the “dialogue” on homosexuality, but by the actions of so many dioceses who are vigorously pursuing the blessing of same-sex unions; Fred even listed them elsewhere in the synod – it’s a long list.

Moreover, the “havoc” is now being perpetuated by the ACoC which, in its determination to hang on to property, has adopted the scorched earth policy of suing every parish that has joined ANiC and wishes to remain in its building.

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