The firing of Rev Jacob Worley

There aren’t many ways that lead to a priest being fired from the Anglican Church of Canada; in fact, providing one isn’t too enthusiastic about one’s faith, it is rather difficult. Criminal activity such as embezzlement and paederasty tend – if found out – to be frowned upon, as is trying to murder a parishioner. On the other hand, disbelief in Biblical principles and spreading that disbelief is the bedrock upon which Canadian Anglicanism rests: the less a priest believes, the more secure his job.

Flouting the wishes of the Anglican Synod, far from being a cause for censure or  termination is hailed joyously as prophetic. Providing it is liberal flouting – just look at the antics of Bird, Chapman et al. following the last Anglican synod..

Nevertheless, Rev Jacob Worley has been fired. No reason was given but it’s difficult not to suspect it is because he is that most rare clerical specimen, now almost extinct in the Anglican Church of Canada, a genuine Christian.

The writing was on the wall for Worley since it wasn’t too long ago that his election as bishop was overturned on a technicality.

Archbishop Privett did the firing without explanation, not that one is needed since it seems fairly clear that he bent to the will of the ecclesiastical zeitgeist, and behaved in the disgusting manner we have come to expect of Anglican Archbishops in Canada. The diocese and archbishop have lived down to my modest expectations in every way.

Coincidentally, Worley opposes same-sex marriage. That could have nothing to do with it, surely.

Read it all at the Anglican Planet:

THE REV. JACOB WORLEY was told by Archbishop John Privett in a phone call and a letter received Friday, Nov. 10 that Worley’s employment as a priest in the Diocese of Caledonia is being terminated. Worley says that when he asked what the reason was, Privett (who is Metropolitan of the Province of BC & Yukon) declined to give him one.  In accordance with Immigration rules, Worley has to leave Canada for the United States within ten days of his last day of employment, which is on Sunday, Nov. 19.  “I’m going to trust the Lord – who else am I going to trust?  I could say like Job, ‘Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.’ I’m going to rejoice,” said Worley when reached by phone.

In May of 2017, Worley made headlines in Church news when the House of Bishops of the Province of BC and Yukon refused to approve him as Bishop of Caledonia, a diocese that stretches across the northern half of British Columbia.  The majority decision cited Provincial Canon 4(b)vi, which states that an objection to the election of a bishop may be brought on the grounds that “he or she teaches or holds or within five years previously taught or held anything contrary to the Doctrine or Discipline of the Anglican Church of Canada.”  In a statement released by the Anglican Church of Canada on May 15, Privett was quoted as saying that “within the past five years the Rev. Worley has held – and continues to hold – views contrary to the Discipline of the Anglican Church of Canada.” These “views” relate to jurisdictional issues, as Worley had served for a time within AMiA (Anglican Mission in America) in the United States.


Reflecting on the news that he will be forced to leave his parish, Worley said, “This is how it started in The Episcopal Church, how the exodus began.  People got shoved out.  In those cases, they were given no reason…but everybody knew the reason.” But he added “I know that God will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. He will use this for His glory and the good of His church.

The Diocese of Caledonia and the office of Archbishop Privett have also been contacted for comment but at the time of publication have not responded.

Worley and his wife, Kelly, have five children, aged 12 to 25.

5 thoughts on “The firing of Rev Jacob Worley

  1. If even the Diocese of Caledonia cannot withstand the apostasy, there is no longer any prospect of renewing the ACoC from within.

    • Worley was duly and properly elected to the office of Bishop by both the Laity and the Clergy. So it is obvious that the majority of people in the Diocese of Caledonia have said that he is the right man for them.

      So Shea McLean, who are you to say that the Laity and Clergy of Diocese of Caledonia are wrong?

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