Killing bin Laden: there’s an app for that

For those whose appetite for retribution was insufficiently satiated by the thought of someone else putting a hole in Osama’s head, Kuma Games has released a game that allows you to do it yourself.

I’m going to email it to Thomas Mulcair in the hope that it helps him come to grips with what happened: although there is always the worry that Mulcair’s tenuous grip on reality will confuse him to the point that he will start announcing that he was the one who killed bin Laden.

Rowan Williams, reportedly, is “very uncomfortable” with the game.

After months of surveillance and growing amounts of Intel, 79 Navy SEALs aboard two US Black Hawks and two more Chinooks cross into Pakistan under the cloak of darkness. The commandos quickly breech a secret compound, one designed for defense and manned by al Qaeda killers. In forty minutes and a rain of hot lead, a decades-long, worldwide manhunt for Osama Bin Laden will be ended… by you.

Click Here To Download Kuma War II