ISIS compiles kill list from church directory

From here:

My wife and I live in *****, ********** just north of ******* We were contacted by the FBI this week. We are on a ISIS terrorist kill list and they wanted to inform us. So is my pastor. It appears a Muslim group is trolling the internet and getting church directories and posting names for anyone to kill. Quite frightening. I have talked to the ***** *** FBI Office numerous times now and they say they do not have suspects but this appears to be a new tactic. Be diligent but go about you[r] normal life. They advised that the threat could be low – but tell that to the widows of all the slain police officers nationwide.

As for Canada, the Anglican Church of Church of Canada probably has little to worry about: ISIS is targeting Christian Churches.

Franklin Graham comments on the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians

From here:

The militant Islamic terrorist group ISIS has released a video called A MESSAGE SIGNED WITH BLOOD TO THE NATION OF THE CROSS showing the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians who had been kidnapped in Libya. Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians? Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world? As we mourn with the families of those 21 martyrs, we’d better take this warning seriously as these acts of terror will only spread throughout Europe and the United States. If this concerns you like it does me, share this. The storm is coming.

He is correct, of course; Christian leaders would have unanimously denounced such an evil act by Christians. As it is, since the Archbishop of Canterbury has no contemporary Christian barbarity over which to lament, he is forced to confine himself to wringing his hands over the bombing of Dresden during the Second World War.

Meanwhile, ISIS redoubled its efforts to convince us that Islam is a religion of peace by burning to death 45 people in Iraq.

Canon Andrew White in Burlington

Canon Andrew White was at St. George’s, ANiC, this evening to baptise his grandson.

Bishop Charlie Masters was there:

_29U5130Along with Andrew White:
_29U5139 _29U5146 _29U5148 _29U5149-2 _29U5151 _29U5154 _29U5155Canon Andrew spoke about the situation in Iraq which has gone, he said, from very bad to very, very bad. He takes courage from the Christian children. As recently as a couple of weeks ago, ISIS demanded that a group of children convert to Islam and follow Mohammed. They all held hands and said: “no, we love Jesus”. One by one, they were shot in the head.

The Canon asks us to pray and pay. We can pray anywhere and pay here.

Church flies ISIS flag

Jesus commands us to love our enemies. Our fallen nature is repulsed by such an idea. Fear not, St Columba Uniting Church in Australia has come up with something much easier: love someone else’s enemies.

St Columba Uniting Church is flying an ISIS flag with a quote from Matthew 5:44 on it:


It’s very easy for comfortable Western Christians to parade their piety by expressing forgiveness for a remote enemy that has done them no direct harm. It is a little harder for the parents in Iraq or Syria whose children have been murdered. The clergy who erected the flag have not suffered at the hands of ISIS; they have nothing to lose by forgiving ISIS. Moreover, by sycophantically sucking up to non-Christian religions, the denomination could win the coveted Order of the Politically Correct award.

St Columba ‘s exhortation might have been marginally more convincing had it been placed on the corporate logo of an organisation that the church probably does genuinely hate: a carbon spewing oil company, for example.

I wonder if they would have got away something similar involving a swastika during World War 2?

ISIS is the result of global warming

This was so obvious, it’s hard to understand why no one spotted it before. It took an intellect as discerning as John Kerry’s to make the connection:

Kerry said extremist violence was just a symptom of underlying causes that needed to be addressed. He spoke in that context of a need for a partnership – to pursue peace, shared prosperity and the ability to get an education and a job, as well as “sustainability of the planet itself.”

“And that brings us to something like climate change, which is profoundly having an impact in various parts of the world, where droughts are occurring not at a 100-year level but at a 500-year level in places that they haven’t occurred, floods of massive proportions, diminishment of water for crops and agriculture at a time where we need to be talking about sustainable food.”

Kerry is right about one thing. There is an underlying cause for the grotesque violence: man’s fallen nature. Unlike Christianity, Islam has no means to redeem; even worse, it provides an abundance of material to support the kind of violence that ISIS enjoys.

Islam is not a religion of peace

Given current events, this is not a particularly startling assertion. What is somewhat surprising, is that a Muslim is making it. Tarek Fatah, a Muslim, reckons that the antics of ISIS are inherent to the teaching and tradition of Islam and a continuation of the received understanding of the activities of its founder.

From here:

We Muslims need to acknowledge the beheadings by ISIS are part of Islamic tradition, text and history, not some fringe interpretation of our faith.

None other than the grandson of Prophet Mohammed was slaughtered and his head paraded through the streets of Damascus on a spike.

The ISIS jihadis are doing exactly what we Muslims are taught our Prophet did during warfare.

Here is a quote from the voluminous biography of the Prophet of Islam, Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq, popularly known as the Sira:

“Then they (Jews) surrendered and the apostle (Prophet Mohammed) confined them in Medina. Then the apostle went out to the market and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them (Jews) and struck off their heads in those trenches … There were 600 or 700 in all.”

In my book, The Jew is Not My Enemy, I disputed this account of mass murder, but was assailed for having challenged what many, if not all Muslims, consider absolute truth.

Islam is not a religion of peace.

An Islamic State in Iraq

From the BBC:

Up to a quarter of Iraq’s Christians are reported to be fleeing after Islamic militants seized the minority’s biggest town.

The Islamic State (IS) group captured Qaraqosh in Nineveh province overnight after the withdrawal of Kurdish forces.

IS controls parts of Iraq and Syria and says it has created an Islamic state.

Meanwhile the UN says some of the Yazidi community, another religious minority in the area targeted by IS, have been rescued.

About 50,000 Yazidis are thought to have been trapped in the mountains after fleeing the town of Sinjar.

ISIS says it has created an “Islamic State”. The result is tens of thousands of Christians dying of thirst, a Christian family of eight shot in the face because they would not convert, and Christians beheaded, mutilated, raped, stoned and crucified – just for being Christians.

Is this what an “Islamic State” is supposed to look like? If not, I expect we’ll soon be seeing intervention from the real Islamic States.