A Prayer of Woke for our World

Sorry, that should have been hope.

I vaguely remember a day, long long ago, when the church used to pray for people, often for their salvation. Today the church prays for the planet and its salvation. Such is the price of progress.

This is a prayer from the Lambeth Conference:

Forgive us for our insensitivity and carelessness with the environment, instigate us to fight for socio-environmental preservation and for the end of the climate crisis, taking care and woking (sorry working my keyboard is misbehaving) for the preservation of species and the maintenance of life on earth, as living proof of our conversion to the way of Jesus Christ.

I can see the next Lambeth conference is going to be a woke (sorry a lot, dratted keyboard) of fun.

What happens when the transcendent and Christianity part company

Easter Day becomes Earth Day.

Postulants for this new religion are given the LED of Christ and repeated baptisms in waterless showers. The Koinonia of the malodorous must piously recycle, reuse, compost and abstain from braking, accelerating, dirty investing and driving on flabby tires. If that isn’t heaven on earth, I don’t know what is.

In lieu of public self-flagellation with bound copies of the Truth and Reconciliation Report, backsliders, will be permitted to recite 100 Hail Marks of Mission under the direction of an eco-bishop. Indulgences may be purchased here.

From here:

An Easter people respond to climate change by proclaiming the good news, by proclaiming the good news through taking actions that honor our Creation……

Here are some things we can do:

1) Use water efficiently. Every time you shower, wash your hands, wash dishes, or drink water, give thanks for this resource and consider how you might avoid wasting it.

2) Reduce waste and recycle. I just spoke with someone this week who has a friend who has two young children, but together as a family they have pledged to go an entire year with zero waste. Perhaps you can’t get to zero waste, but consider how you might reduce your waste, by composting, using reusable products or buying products with less packaging.

3) Drive smart, avoid hard accelerations or braking, get regular maintenance, check your tire pressure. Or better yet, give the car a break now and then and take public transit. On your next car purchase, buy a fuel efficient vehicle.

4) Use LED light bulbs.

5) Reuse and recycle all you can.

6) Review your investments and divest from those companies known to be the biggest polluters. Start with the much published list of the 200 dirtiest companies.

7) Write letters to our leaders and tell them combating climate change must be a priority.