Sharia law in action

The woman in this video was accused of adultery, a character flaw which is un-Islamic.

It seems her public execution is Islamic, though, although there is some disagreement about how Islamic.

A fine application of Matthew 7:16.

Christianity disapproves of adultery, too, of course, but in Christ there is forgiveness for all who seek it – even the cowardly, murdering, Islamic thugs in the video.

7 thoughts on “Sharia law in action

  1. Hey- you can’t post this!!- So says Bishop “Jihad” Jane in Edmonton I was booted from our Church facebook for posting words only (no videos)- in regards to things like this going on- apparently we are not supposed to talk about such things as it could be offensive to Muslims- like all the Muslims that read St. Matthias Edmonton’s Face book page? Good gravy- Anglicans are so doomed……

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